Thursday, February 1, 2007

I glory only in the Cross of Christ!

Just when you think the well is drying up for stories, something else happens. I am winding down and didn’t think there was too much left to talk about, but God had another surprise for me tonight.

I went prepared to preach the next assigned sermon; Holy Spirit and the Unpardonable Sin. It wasn’t the most exciting sermon I’ve ever preached, but it would have to do. My interpreter changed again tonight and he was late picking me up. We didn’t go visiting because of his lateness.

The meeting started on time and went according to the normal pattern so far. After prayer and song we normally play a short segment of the Jesus DVD with Tamil language. Tonight’s section that we played was on the trial and scourging of Jesus. The response of the crowd was amazing. Normally there is chatter by the kids and lots of movement and noise. Not tonight.

It occurred to me as I watched the crowd that even though I had spoken of Jesus death for them, they had no idea what that really meant. I have felt all along in these meetings that we needed to start with the basics. All the sermons we have preached seem to imply some knowledge of Christ but the reality is they don’t know anything! They don’t even have access to the Bible in their Tamil language in these villages.

As I stood up, I felt impressed to drop the whole sermon and share with them the whole story of Jesus, including the great controversy theme of the crucifixion. I explained to them that the cross wasn’t God’s idea, but Satan’s plan to get Jesus to give up which would then mean Satan would win the battle for earth.

I preached freely and at times I felt goose bumps as I spoke. I really felt this was from the Holy Spirit. No notes, the Bible texts flew from memory, the story flowed even with a translator. It was the best sermon I preached since I started. It was from the heart, it was my thoughts and my words, not someone else’s sermon. Instead of preaching about the Holy Spirit, I preached with the power of the Holy Spirit.

I asked them to make a choice between the God who was willing to give up everything for them; or the enemy who was all about their destruction. I don’t know what the outcome of this sermon will be; but I know God led tonight and Jesus was lifted up.

To switch gears a little, we went to a new temple today. It was the new moon festival and pilgrims came to this temple to pierce themselves with hooks and spikes. We weren’t able to see many because we came too late. We found a couple of women with serious tongue piercing. Hence the picture attached.

Might be one or two more posts before I get home. Can’t wait to see you all, especially my wife!

Pastor Kevin


Glen M. said...


That is one freaky tongue piercing! I've enjoyed following your blogs each day. It helps me to focus my prayers for the work God is doing there. Can wait to see all the pictures.

P.S.-A word to the wise... wear a winter coat when you get off the plane because winter has come with a vengance. (Jack's not happy about it)

Anonymous said...

I figure your last sermons are gonna hit home with alot of the villagers. And with you.
I have noticed in my life that GOD saves the best for last at times
The Best Is Yet To Come!

The colors and all the piercing represent something important to specific god or temple. My memory is wiped out and actually I dont care to remember all this stuff, But I do recall that lil pitch fork looking thing on her tongue has something to do with A God of Protection Has to do with fear and anger and some other things.

Your looking good my friend seems you have lost some weight but in a healthy way.

All our prayers are with you and the family.
GOD bless you my friend.
Basics of Christ are a great teaching for them, thats what they need now.

Your Brother in Christ Jesus

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

Isn't it funny how we prepare and prepare for something and then in a split second God tells us what's really going to happen?!?! God is awesome...not only does He tell us, but He gives us everything we need in that one moment.

I'm really glad to hear the last days are going well. Just when you think you're too exhausted to keep up the pace, God carries you thru...praise God!

We miss you and continue to send the prayers your way.

God Bless,
