Sunday, February 4, 2007

farewell to village

It’s Sunday night as I’m writing this and we have traveled all day. We got up at 5:30 a.m. after I went to bed at 1:00 a.m. and I’m really tired. We are in Delhi tonight but we are leaving for Jaipur tomorrow where the palace is located. We leave at 6:30 a.m. and take a four hour bus ride. We will stay overnight in Jaipur and then leave for Agra on Tuesday for the day. Agra is where the Taj Mahal is. We return to Delhi on Wed. to spend the day sightseeing before we leave for home. We fly out of Delhi at 3:30 a.m. on Thursday and arrive back in the states around 2:00 p.m. Thursday. Remember there is a 10.5 hour time zone difference and our air time is 17 hours. I won’t get home till the late hours of the night on Thursday.
Let me tell you a little about what transpired yesterday. It was a full day to say the least. I went to the English speaking church with another Pastor yesterday morning not expecting to preach, but to sit back and relax. When I got to Sabbath school, the Pastor of the church asked me to preach. I had met him earlier in the week and he was more than willing to give up his pulpit to me.
I want to tell you the whole story about what happened in worship that morning but it might be better left to tell in person. But there was a reason God asked me to preach. And there were people in the congregation that needed to hear what I spoke on. I spoke on the cross of Christ and its importance in our preaching and evangelism. AND, I didn’t need a translator!
Right after church I was escorted to the home of one of the team members for a farewell party. I ate home cooked Indian food and was treated like a king. They gave me gifts and I gave them gifts for their support of me at this village. We took lots of pictures and there were speeches. When that was all over, I was informed that I needed to visit each home of the group members (eight of them) and to say a blessing for each home. That took the rest of the afternoon.
We then went to site for the last time. I was tired before I got there. When we arrived at the site, our host wanted to have a tea party for me and the team. Needless to say I did no visiting in the homes last night. We finished the tea party just in time to start the meeting.
We set up the equipment and there were more speeches. I was honored again with a shawl and a necklace. The team gave me an engraved plate as a memento of this experience along with a national Indian flag. I was wondering where I was going to pack all of this stuff they gave me? When we finally began, we were late. We showed the Jesus DVD in its entirety. It was longer than I expected and we didn’t finish the video till 9:15 p.m. We normally ended at 8:30 on other nights. Then it was time for me to say goodbye. I’ll leave it up to your imagination as to how I held up.
Then we had another round of goodbyes and pictures. Many from the village wanted to have a photo taken with me. Kanatha and Ambiga had tears in their eyes when they came to say goodbye. They even shook my hand which is the closest thing of physical contact between men and women that is allowed in this culture.
The driver took my translator and Bible worker and I back to the hotel. There I asked the two of them to come up to my room where I had another special gift for just them. At the room, Pastor Prince my translator stuck out his hand to shake mine then fell into my arms hugging me and I think he even wept a little (like all good strong men he hid it well). My Bible worker, Amani, couldn’t hide it. She cried like a baby. Once again, I wanted to hug her but it was not going to be. Amani always bowed low to me when she met me or said goodnight but never really spoke to me in English before last night. She said: "goodbye pastor and thank you".
I was really exhausted and emotionally drained after they left. I then started to try and pack all the stuff I was given plus some souvenirs. Even with leaving some stuff I brought along, I had a hard time closing my bags; plus they were really heavy.
I hope to get this posted before we leave the hotel tomorrow. This will be the last post until I get home. I can’t wait! I miss my wife and I’m ready for some home cooking, my own bed and to play hockey again. I’m even ready for some snow! (sorry Jack but I like the stuff) I am going to hibernate for a couple of days when I get home to recover from the jet lag. I may or may not see you on Sabbath depending on how tired I am.
May God bless you and keep you.
Pastor Kevin


D. Horner said...

Pastor Kevin,

Looking 4 ward 2 seeing you home safely. Praying your Journey home will be safe. God has surely blessed you and Walk of Faith through this experience.

Your brother in Christ

Lisa said...

I know you won't see this until you get back to the states, but...Job well done!!! You are in my prayers as you make your way back. Can't wait to hear the stories and see the pics:)

God Bless,


Ranger For GOD said...

Great Job! Kevin,
Looking forward to seeing you and listening to all the storys and pics.

You have followed the way the LORD has lead you, And thats all you can do.
I will see you when you have recovered.
GOD bless you

Your Brother In Christ