Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Honored by the homeowner

Sometimes if I will have anything to write about; then other times I have so much content that I don’t know where to begin. Let me start by updating some local issues.

Seems that the local paper, The Hindu, wrote a piece on the Americans who are in the area proselytizing. They print two versions; one in English and one in Tamil. The article was in the Tamil edition, not the English one. It was not a favorable piece. Another tidbit is a local Pentecostal church has heard about us also. Rumor has it from our local pastors that they have declared a fast to pray about our evangelism. Now the question is, are they praying for us or against us? One more site was closed down by radical Hindus who said that too many people are coming and wanting baptism. Guess something must be happening if they feel threatened by our presence and our preaching.

Now on to the story of the picture attached to this blog. I know I have a silly look on my face, but I’m looking into the lights toward where the picture is being taken and the person is standing in a dark spot. I began to tell you the story of the wealthy man on whose property we are holding the meetings. Well tonight he chose to honor me for coming to the village. He gave me a huge wreath of flowers that dragged on the ground. Then he gave me a shawl made from silk which I’m told is a very high honor. He also gave me a book of poems written by a famous Tamil Indian.

I continue to pray for people in their homes before the meetings; and near the pulpit after the meetings. Tonight I got to meet two elderly women that I had prayed for earlier in the meetings. Both had gotten much better and one of them fell at my feet as if to worship me. It was uncomfortable and I told my translator that she shouldn’t do that, but to give honor to God. This was one of the few prayers I could actually saw the answer to and thanked God that He had directly answered.

The last three days I have preached on the second coming, the millennium and tonight on hell. I lifted up Jesus in every sermon and called people to a decision each night to chose Jesus and to be on the inside of the city and not to reject God and be on the outside. I’m told that the last couple of sermons have really impacted people.

I can’t help but see their faces after I leave. Even though they don’t understand me, God is getting through to them. There are serious looks on their faces as they face the choice of joining Jesus or continuing to live in fear and poverty as they have been.

This Sabbath will be more baptisms in the afternoon and I’m told that I will be given the honor to officiate them. Very few of the Americans have been allowed to actually get in the water and do the baptisms. I feel greatly honored. Sabbath will once again be very busy. After worship, I’m invited to one of the homes of the team members who work in my village, then on to the baptism, then directly to the village where we will stay till 10:00 p.m. Our flight leaves for Delhi early Sunday morning. I’m already anticipating being exhausted!

I must tell you, as I preach my own personal conviction to serve the King grows each day. I pray for my church family and my own family. I seek to grow closer to my Lord and serve Him with all my heart.

Pastor Kevin

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Monkey Temple

It was field trip day today. One of the team members for my village and his pastor took me and their six children sightseeing today. We went to a temple in the mountains that was covered with wild monkeys.

The monkeys were everywhere and they weren’t shy! They climbed on top of cars or buildings to get an advantage. If you had food, whether in your hand or a bag, they were on you like flies on dead fish. They would run up and grab your bag or food or even you! The bigger males were very aggressive and the females were around but not as bold. The females (those that have given birth have a bright red face.

I took some video of Isaac (one of my village team members) throwing bananas up in the air or taunting the monkeys by jerking stuff away when the monkeys tried to grab them. It was good. The six children surrounded me and kept the monkeys away with their sticks. They were my body guards.

We walked halfway up a mountain and when we got tired, came back. On the way up we saw places where there were piles of hair. I saw a holy man shaving heads as a means of worship. Men, woman and children had their heads shorn bald. The hair would be left lying on the ground where it was cut off. There were little streams coming down the mountain and people were taking a holy or ceremonial baths; women in one location and men in another.

We also saw a tree where women would tie pieces of fabric or hang small replicas of cribs as a means of asking the gods for pregnancy. While taking a picture of the tree, a snake came out of a hole at the base of the tree and slithered up the hill. It was my first snake that I’ve seen in country. I couldn’t run up the hill fast enough to get its picture though. Think of the symbolism of the snake living in a hole in the base of the tree that they believe will bring them fertility.

At the entrance to the main temple on the bottom of the hill I saw something that could have come right out of scripture. A man was sitting by the gate begging and he was blind. His eyes were clouded up and he was crying out for help. I couldn’t help but think of the story of blind Bartimaeus in scripture (Mark 10:46). I couldn’t help but give him coins.

We ate a picnic lunch at the car. We had to sit inside because the monkeys were all over the place; under the car, on top of the car in the trees above the cars. And then there were the beggars. I’ve never had a picnic lunch like that.

Driving home I saw winnowing of barley on the roads. They were beating out the grain and laying it on the road to dry. It blocked a whole lane. Again, except for the paved road, this was something you might envision from the Bible. We went to the palace and another temple in the middle of a man-made lake. I took so many pictures that I ran out of room on two memory sticks.

We got word today in our meeting that as of Tuesday, there were 1,860 baptisms from around all the sites. We have baptisms scheduled at various locations every day this week. We may not hit the 5000 projected but no one seems disappointed.

One more quick story that I want to share that is in process. The man who is letting us use his property to hold the meetings is not the chief of the village, but is the wealthiest man in the village. He has a lot of authority; he is also Hindu. At first he didn’t attend any of my meetings but late last week he started coming late. Each day he has been coming earlier and earlier. I asked my translator how he is responding. My translator said he is a very smart man and is understanding and agreeing with our teachings. But, he will not quickly respond to baptism because of his status in the village.

Reminds me of Paul when he stood before Agrippa found in Acts 26. Paul almost persuaded him. Think of the ramification if this man accepts Jesus and our message. This will free those in the village who are afraid of the Hindus to make an open confession of their faith. If only one is converted, that one will become a witness to the village. The God who began a good work will bring it to its proper conclusion.

There will probably only be one or two more blogs after this one because of the schedule. I really hope to write one after Sabbath but we leave very early in the morning to fly out to Delhi and I don’t know if I can get it on the web or not. I will continue to write as it avails me and post when I can get on. Sorry that the novel is coming to an end, but I’m ready to come home and eat food other than Indian, take a hot shower whenever I want and to sleep in my bed (not to mention drive on streets where my anxiety level is greatly reduced).

God bless and keep your eyes on Jesus.

Pastor Kevin

The Great Controversy

Just when you think life is getting boring, you go to the village! My original translator came back today and we went visiting around the village again. One of the women we baptized last week is quite the evangelist already. We stop at her house and pray, then she leads us through the village to pray for all her friends and relatives that she feels need prayer.

We must have stopped at half dozen or so houses when we came to a home that had three younger women standing outside with their small children. I was told they needed special prayer for health and problems in the family. I pray for specifics when I know them, but I generally pray a common prayer for each home. I pray that God would remove any satanic forces from the family and the household, and that Jesus would reign in their home and their lives.

It was at the point in my prayer where I mentioned Jesus coming into their home and lives that one of these women went into convulsions and fled into the house. I sensed what was happening but everyone else seemed confused. It was at the very point when I mentioned the name of Jesus that the convulsions began. She ran into the house and you could hear the noise as she went. Even my translator didn’t see the connection or understand the spiritual connotations. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. I do not doubt for a minute that there was Satanic powers at work.

I have felt uncomfortable before when I have prayed for different people, but this time I was sure of it. There is a reason this village is so difficult to present the Gospel in, there are unseen forces at work that are attempting to hinder our work. I do not fear it, but I have a healthy respect for the battle.

My God is bigger than any enemy and as I continue to trust in Him, He continues to show me my role and His. Some of you remember from our Sabbath school class that faith is a verb and requires that we do something. When we listen to God, He leads us into “the what” and gives us the power to do what He is calling us to do.

My favorite author once said: “we have nothing to fear for the future, except we forget how God has led in the past.” If you aren’t letting God lead and you follow Him now, how can you remember His leading when things get really difficult?

Your prayers are requested for the workers here and our villages. The battle is raging; the dragon is angry with the woman and makes war with her offspring (Rev. 12:17).

Pastor Kevin

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Today is the 15th day since I left home; I have 11 more days to go before I return. I have preached every day for ten days (twice on Sabbath) and I have five more sermons to give before I’m done. This Saturday night I won’t be preaching but showing the complete Jesus DVD and saying farewell. I think I hit the wall yesterday. My energy is down and I spent a good deal of time napping and resting.

The pace is hectic and all of us are wearing down. I’m going to need several days recuperating when I get home just to get my bearings straight. I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world, but it is lonely without my wife.

Yesterday there were baptisms all around the area for various villages. At one site, they baptized 153 people (several villages together). I struggle sometimes wishing I could have a site where more people are baptized, but God gave me this assignment for a reason. I love my village and the people there seem to love me (I’m not sure why?). The children throng about me wanting me to touch them. When I arrive they follow the cab and shout hello to me. When I leave at night, they all yell goodbye and wave and try to stick their hands in the cab to shake my hand (or give me five, which I taught them and now all they want to do is slap my hand).

When the adults come to the meeting and I either bow (don’t touch a woman!) or shake the men’s hands, their eyes light up like a child’s at Christmas. The church workers and the villagers want to know when I will come back; they don’t want me to leave. For the first time in many of their lives, they have been given worth by the presence of a white man from a far away country.

Although the caste system is officially illegal now in India, it is practiced widely. The Hindu religion and the people of India have a clear prejudice that isn’t hid. The highest caste in India (Brahman) has the lightest skin of the people. Therefore, I’m seen as the highest caste, yet I’m visiting their simple homes, playing with their children, touching them and giving them respect and honor because they are a child of God.

There are scenes here that remind me of stories in the Bible. When Jesus heals the man born blind from birth, all the people around know him; why? Because the man sits at the same place day after day begging. I see this scene replayed time after time. A sick or damaged person sits at the same location day after day begging. Everyone around knows this persona and either helps out occasionally or walks past without acknowledging them. I’m astounded at what seems apathy to me, but this is life to them.

The streets are dirty, people throw their refuse out on the curb. At night the cattle and goats roam the streets picking through the trash to eat. The beggars do also. There isn’t much animal dung on the streets because it is picked up to dry for fuel. Humans are seen urinating anywhere and everywhere without the slightest hint of embarrassment. The traffic is horrific whether it is foot traffic, bicycles, scooters, cars or busses. There is such an enormous congestion of people that it is hard to find a quiet place of solace. Even in the countryside, it is rare to see a field that doesn’t have people in it.

The TV shows are a hoot! There is a great love of the music video but its nothing like in the US. All the videos are choreographed and looking like a 1940’s Roger’s and Hammerstein musical. The leading ladies are always light skinned and look nothing like the general population; the leading men always have an Elvis haircut with sideburns and a big bushy moustache. The content is always of a sexually suggestive manner but not overt; no nudity, only suggestive movements.

One can hardly begin to understand a culture after only 2 weeks, but I’m getting pieces of the puzzle that is taking shape. The world I walk in and see is the world of the extremely poor; that makes up almost half the population. There is a world I see only on TV and that is the world of the wealthy and there are many of them in India too.

I want to clear up a couple I of items that I’ve mentioned before. First is the sponsorship of children to a boarding school. The qualifications for the children to be sponsored are: they must be 6 or 7 years old, they must come from a baptized member’s family, the sponsorship is $300.00 USD per year for 10 years. It’s a long commitment, but it is the only way we can ensure that the children will get a good education and are well fed before they go back to their village. This money doesn’t have to come from a single person or family, but can be combined from several people. This sponsorship can be done after I return; I will bring the paperwork with me.

A second program is being offered that is a little less money but just as significant. You can buy a cow! For $375.00 USD, you can buy a cow for a widow so she can make a living. She will use the milk and sell the extra, she will collect the dung and dry it for sale as fuel, and eventually she will build a herd as her cow has calves. This is a one time expense and is offered to SDA widows in the villages who have no support. Right now there are 17 widows waiting on this program. I will bring the necessary paperwork for this project when I come also.

Life is becoming a routine now and maybe the shock of some things is lessening. I don’t have any wild or radical stories to tell today, just that God is faithful and He is working. I pray He is working in my church back home like He is here.

Right now, one of my major concerns it that the local church officials find property where we will build the church. I’m not getting straight answers; they assure me we will have something but I can’t pin them down. There is something prevalent in this culture that is difficult to comprehend or accept from a western world view. The people here don’t really give you a yes or no answer. When you ask a question, they bob their head in a cross between a yes and a no which leaves you wondering; which is it?!?

Sorry I don’t have more content today. I hope that things are going well with you. Keep us in your prayers and remember our village of Varichiyoor. The picture on this blog is me praying for the people after the preaching service.

Pastor Kevin

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Busy Sabbath

The last two days have been the most hectic and exhausting since I’ve been here in Madurai. I haven’t had time to even sit and collect my thoughts to write the blog. So I’m going to try and catch you up on what has been happening.

Friday, I went to look for a digital camera shop where they could take my photos and make prints for me. I wanted to give the newly baptized ladies a picture and I wanted to give some to my translator. People don’t have cameras here like back home. A camera is an instant draw to people. They will literally stop you on the street and ask: “photo please?”

While wandering the streets I was accosted by many of the local carnival hawkers trying to take me to their shops; do you want shirt, pants, suits, rugs, etc they ask and they know a mother, sister, brother, uncle who will make one for you. As I was walking down a busy street with a hawker by my side encouraging me to follow him to a local jewelry store; a bicyclist was struck by a taxi right next to me. The man on the bike was thrown to the pavement where he struck his head. The bike was demolished. People came out of the shops and began yelling at the driver. I stood there astonished at what I was seeing. Traffic continued to blow their horns and drive right around the accident scene.

I’m told that if a driver hits a bike rider or pedestrian and the person is killed, there is a standard fine of 2000 rupees; equivalent to about $50 USD. If the person is just injured, you must pay all medical costs until they recover.

I did find my photo shop and had the prints made. Also, Friday was a holiday in India, much like our 4th of July. There were special activities going on and everyone was wearing or carrying an Indian flag. I stopped at a local shop and bought 100 small flags to give to the children in my village. Giving small gifts like this or balloons go a long way to create good will. I went to my site and began visiting. Each day there are more houses for me to go to. We sit, they stare at me, I pray a blessing on the family and the house, sometimes pray for specific needs such as health, jobs, family issues; then we move to the next house.

Got to the meeting site a little late and quickly set up. As soon as we were ready to begin, it began to rain. This is the dry season and it seldom rains this time of year; I wonder why it is raining now (maybe you can figure it out)?

We covered the equipment and they took me into the house. We waited for 20 minutes till the rain stopped and we resumed the meeting. I had to shorten my sermon a little but it worked out OK. We gave the flags to the children and their eyes were huge. I had some left over and gave all of the adults one too; they were almost as happy as the kids.

Sabbath morning at breakfast (7:00 a.m.) the local Indian conference President found me and asked me to speak in the church where I held the baptism on Thursday morning; nothing like getting plenty of advanced warning to prepare. I said yes. At nine they came to get me with a scooter and we were off to church. They treated me like royalty as they introduced me during Sabbath school. I was taken to each of the classes and asked to say a word or two. At the teen class, they wanted to ask me all sorts of deep theological questions. It was fun. Then during church you would have thought I was an envoy from a foreign government. When I preached I came out in front of the podium, they had never seen a preacher not stand behind the pulpit before. Some spoke English but they translated my sermon. I gave a modified kingdom of God sermon that I had done at Walk of Faith before I left and inserted my testimony into it. They loved it. Three of the four ladies I baptized on Thursday were in church, the fourth was home sick. They all were so proud to be connected with me.

Right after worship I walked back to the hotel. It’s almost 4 miles by cart but less than half a mile to walk. Railroad tracks and the road system make it quite confusing. After eating at the hotel, they picked me up at 2:30 to go out to the village to see what they normally do with the kids each Sabbath. I wouldn’t get back to my hotel room until after 11:00 p.m. Needless to say, I was exhausted last night.

The picture you see above is one of the Sabbath school classes I attended. There were four of them that I visited. The local team, from the church where I preached, moves from place to place conducting a short program at each. The kids (about 50 at teach site) are given something to color with a Bible verse on it to memorize. If they color the picture and memorize the verse for the next week they get a small gift. They sing songs, a Bible story is told, there is prayer and all the children get a small treat to eat.

They sang their songs for me, I was asked to tell a Bible story through the translator. The only time you see kids sit this quietly and with rapt attention in the States is when they are playing video games or watching a movie. Their eyes were large and focused on me when I talked, then their heads turned and the stared intently as the translator spoke. I told each class the story of Daniel and his faithfulness to God, both as a child and when he was older with the lions den. When I finished the story, I asked the children if they would like to be faithful like Daniel. All hands were raised. Remember, all these children are Hindu; this is their only experience of Christianity.

It rained on and off during the afternoon and these little classes were held in the street, in the dirt. The rain slowed us down but did not stop us. We ran late and couldn’t have a complete program at the last site, but we still showed up. The local leaders had me give out the treats to the kids and they lined up and politely said thank you. I felt a little like Santa Claus at the mall as I sat in a plastic chair (the only chair at any site and I was always told to sit in it) and the kids lined up to receive their treat.

As we moved from site to site, I was taken to parts of the village I had not seen before. I took over 100 photos of people that I had not met in the village, both adult and children. I entered over a dozen homes to pray with families. I was taken to one home where they brought out a set of twin infants that were extremely small and undernourished. The babies were ill and the family wanted prayers for the children. They wouldn’t let me photograph them and maybe its best. The picture would have haunted you; the memory does me.

I was taken to a home of the lady who was sick and couldn’t come to church, Kannatha. When I saw her house, I felt sick to my stomach. I wished I brought my tools. She had one room, no electricity and a roof that was over half caved in. If I ever come back to this village (God willing), the next time I come back with tools and money for materials and the Gospel I preach will be with my hands to help them with their living accommodations.

Once again, we got to the preaching site late, but the visiting was important. Many of the people I visited have not come to the meetings for one reason or another, but they are listening. The bible worker visits these people every day and to see me as I walked among them and entered their homes was an honor to them.

Just as we finished setting up it began to drizzle. I just covered the equipment with a tarp and kept right on preaching. It drizzled on and off for the rest of the night, but the people sat and listened to me, so I wasn’t going to leave them. As the meeting was going on, the local Hindu temple was blaring music as loud as our speakers. There was a controversy going on between the forces of good and evil. Satan has found a variety of means to keep this word from being preached, but we continued. I prayed the whole time I was preaching that God would stop the noise, about 20 minutes into my sermon, the music abruptly stopped. God is good, all the time!

I’m well over half way finished with the preaching assignment and barely halfway done with my visit to India. I am homesick for my wife and friends back home, I’m fatigued, both physically and emotionally and need your prayers for continued strength. I have developed a great respect and love for these people and will be sad to leave them. I don’t know if I will ever be able to get the memories out of my mind of the things I have seen or experienced. I have a slight taste of the passion of Mother Teresa and her work with the poor in Calcutta.

I look forward to the reuniting that will take place when I see these people again, whether in this world, or in the Kingdom of God. I think of you back home frequently and enjoy your responses to my posts. At least it tells me somebody is reading them.

Pastor Kevin

Kannatha's home

This is a picture of Kannatha's home with the roof falling in. Can anyone say mission trip?

Friday, January 26, 2007

New Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Before I get into my main topic today I need to update some items from the other sites and correct some information I gave you yesterday. First, the cobra story; the event happened but the characters were wrong. A mother with two small children was bitten and killed, not a child. The children are now orphans, their father had left the family.

The second item is at another site where tragedy struck. Seems that another village was having some visits from a radical Hindu group that were attending but not really disturbing the meetings. That is until yesterday. A severe motorcycle accident occurred near the meeting site and one young man was killed and the other was critically injured and in a coma. The radical Hindus blamed the tragedy on the Christians and their meeting and they forced the meeting to shut down. The team is attempting to move to a nearby village to resume the meetings. It will not be the same though, the audience will change.

Now, for my good news; this morning I was taken to a local Seventh-day Adventist church and 4 women from my village bused in to be baptized. There are at least six more that are requesting baptism but could not come today. My translator arraigned it so I could do the baptisms.

The pastor of the church where we did the baptisms told me that the village I was working was considered the hardest village in the area and their church has been sending a team to work there every Sabbath for 2 years trying to get conversions. The local church was willing to give up and felt this village should not be part of the meetings. With a smile on his face the pastor said that our God is tougher than that village! Can you say Amen?

I did nothing except show up. That’s all God asks of us. I didn’t convert a soul; they couldn’t understand a word I said. But they saw Jesus in me as I walked in their village, played with their children, sat in their hovels of homes and prayed with them. As I have said before: “evangelism is the easiest thing in the world but most difficult sacrifice you will ever make.”

In the picture above you see from left to right: my Bible worker, Ammani, Leelavathi, (Kevin), Ambiga, Panavarnam, Pastor Prince, and Kannatha. There are stories for each.

Leelavathi has been attending the church in Maduria for about a year and takes a one hour bus ride to and from her village to attend. Although unbaptized till today, she has helping Ammani the local Bible worker. Leelavathi is always trying to feed me or give me something to drink and is always disappointed when Pastor Prince tells her I have a weak stomach. Yesterday she gave me the package of crackers and today after the baptism she gave me some fruit.

The beautiful young 23 year old mother of an infant child Ambiga is married to a man that abuses her and threatens her if she comes to the meetings. She is there every day and was the second one to make her stand for baptism. When she came up out of the water her face was beaming and I almost thought I saw her eyes well up with tears. She made her decision against severe stress and pressure from her family. But in the end, Jesus was more important to her than anything. What a testimony of great faith!

Kannatha is a young 28 year old widow with 4 children. She works in the rice fields each day and her oldest child helps to support the family but it isn’t much and they’re barely getting by. She is courageous in her stand for Christ.

Panjavarnam has not attended a single meeting that I know of but she sits at home in secret and listens to the blaring speakers on her front door step. Unfortunately, her difficult life has caused her to be aged beyond her 42 years. I visited her home yesterday and was surprised to hear she wanted baptism since I had not seen her before. This message is going forth with power in ways we cannot measure by human standards. God is faithful and will not suffer any to be lost.

As I spoke to them before that baptism, I told them that it was customary in my country to hug a person after I baptized them. But this is a horrible disgrace for a man, not your husband, to hug a woman ever. I told them that I didn’t want to bring disgrace on them but I was going to hug them in my heart. They all smiled at me. Oh how I wanted to bear hug each of them like I did Robbyn and George.

One more thing, I gave each of them 100 rupees for bus fare and a meal on their way home (about $2.50 USD). This is more than a week’s income for them in the village. Think about that the next time you go to spend on something frivolous like a candy bar or soda! Ambiga had never spoken a word to me in the six days I’ve been here. After I gave them that gift, she said in clear English “Thank you Pastor Kevin!” I think my tear ducts are almost dried up from over use.

I was told by Pastor Prince that there are 6 more that have committed to baptism but could not come today. We haven’t set a date for when we will baptize them but it will be soon. All this is taking place and we haven’t reached the half-way point of the meetings!

The conference President of the South East Asian division told us that a church will be built in a village if there are at least 10 members there. Just like the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, if there is at least 10 Lord, will you spare the city? There should be 10 and we will have a church built in our village. They will begin to search for land immediately and will attempt to at least show me the land and let me get a picture before I leave.

As I contemplate my day and this whole experience it is hard not to tear up. God has used this cracked pot to reap a harvest of something I did not plant nor water. And, my harvesting was done through a translator in a barn yard. God’s ways are not man’s ways. God sees what we cannot or will not and He works where we know little of.

Matthew 9:37, 38 says: “Then Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

God is looking for a few more harvesters; won’t you join the blessing and enter into His service? I told you a couple of times that I expected this trip to change me. I hope it is permanent. I pray for the same holy boldness back home that is growing in my here. How about you? Is reading this blog opening your eyes? Are you hearing the voice of God over the loud speakers of the internet? Are you one of the unseen multitudes that haven’t come out of the shadows and taken a stand to serve the King?

Pastor Kevin

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The ox from Hell

The oxen from hell; that’s what my interpreter called him. I have to back up and explain to get the full story, but before I do I must relate something was shared from our group meeting this morning.

It seems that at one of our sights there was a major tragedy that occurred 2 nights ago. A young girl attending the meetings, about 10-12 yrs old, had come up for prayer afterward. On her walk home, she stepped on a cobra lying in the road. The cobra bit her 5 or more times on her legs. She was rushed to the hospital but she died last night. What a blow to the village and the workers. We all understand that this is a battle zone of good an evil. The enemy will not give up his ground easily. All of us were saddened and a sense of the reality and enormity of what we are doing and the potential dangers that surround us.

Cobra snake bites are common in India. If the snake bites you near your neck or spits its venom in your eyes, death is not only certain, but swift. You can be saved from death by quick action of applying milk to the eyes or a charcoal compress to the bite wound, but many in the villages don’t know these things and death is frequent.

Now back to my demon ox story. We arrived at the village a little early yesterday so my interpreter took me on a walk through the village. We stopped at several homes and went in and sat on plastic lawn chairs. They are the major furniture of the poor. Everywhere you go you see them being used. I sit there and smile while the villagers stare at me and wonder why I would come to their village let alone sit in their homes. They try to give me food or drink and are greatly disappointed when my interpreter tells them that it will make me sick. One woman tried to get me to come to her house and eat every day since I’ve been here. Yesterday, she gave me a prepackaged carton of crackers. These people will steal your heart.

While in one of the houses, the matriarch asked if I would go and cast a demon out of a piece of property that they wanted to build a house on for one of her kids. She claimed a man committed suicide by hanging himself there 20 years ago and the property is possessed. She knows this because several of her cows have died on the same piece of land over the years (think about that for a moment and realize she is demonstrating a common logical error). I agreed to pray for her and the land and we started to walk to the back of her house.

Here is where it gets even better. An ox, the one you see in the picture, is tied up along the path and he sees me. Now you need to put in context that cows and oxen are everywhere roaming free in India, even in the major cities. When I walk around the streets near the hotel after 10:00 p.m. there are more cows on the streets than people and they are roaming around eating in the trash heaps. They are docile and totally oblivious to traffic and people. You can walk right up to them from any direction and they will ignore you.

Not this ox! His eyes glared at me and he became agitated. They stopped me from going any farther and they had me go another route because this ox had a serious issue with me. I was then told by my interpreter that he was dedicated to the local Hindu temple and many people in the village felt he was possessed by a demon. I had to get passed a demon possessed cow to get to a demon possessed piece of property. I don’t know if I could make this stuff up. This is my new reality folks.

We visited several homes and I talked (or sat and smiled while my interpreter talked). We always prayed for the home when we left. Several homes we visited have people I had never seen at the meetings, but they were listening to the meetings via the large booming speakers we were using outside. Untold numbers in the village are hearing the preaching, yet fearing to come out to visibly take a stand. One such home, the woman wanted to be baptized and accept Christ yet she had never stepped into any of the meeting areas.

This demonstrates to me that God uses ways and means that we know nothing of. If I were to get disappointed due to the lack of attendance, I would be missing the bigger picture of what God is doing all around. I wonder how that relates to our work at the teen center. Could God be doing things that we don’t see with our meager offerings there?

We spent so much time with visiting and the people really didn’t want us to leave that we lost track of time. It was 7:00 p.m. and we realized we should be starting the meeting and I hadn’t set up any of my equipment. We showed up in the barnyard and everything was ready including the chairs and they were full to overflowing. When we showed up the kids were patiently waiting and they shouted out with approval. Now I know just how the Beatles felt when they landed in the U.S.

The interpreter started singing with the kids while I quickly stet up. As soon as possible I got the slide show running of the pictures of the people in the village. This is a real crowd pleaser. It doesn’t matter how many times they see their face up on the wall it gives them great pleasure. They’ve seen it enough to know when their picture is coming up next.

One note of interest that I must add before I get to the meat of this blog. You know that I’m basically preaching in a barnyard. Well, the animals aren’t in fenced areas or tied up so at any time you may have a visitor. Last night while I was preaching, a baby goat (kid) started to go around and through my legs foraging. No one in the audience was distracted by this or even noticed it except me! I guess I should be glad it wasn’t a snake. After this experience, it will take an earthquake to distract me when I’m preaching back home.

After I finished with the prepared sermon, I transitioned into a different topic. Hindu’s don’t pray like we understand prayer. They believe only holy men can pray to the deity and the regular people are unworthy for their prayers to be offered up by them. Part of the temple worship ritual is to serve as a mediation of prayers through the priest, idol or icon, but for a common person to talk directly to God is foreign to them. Unfortunately, many Christians don’t have a much better idea of what prayer is and how it works than a Hindu.

I want to share with you a condensed version of what I told them:

“I am honored and humbled when you come to me seeking prayers, but I have no power in myself. My God is all powerful and answers to prayer come from Him and not from anything I possess. I am no better or different from you. In God’s eyes I am equal to you as a child of God. You are my brothers and sisters. I may look different from you and my skin color is lighter, I speak a different language and have different customs. I live in a distant land but in the eyes of God I am no different than you (this was spoken to untouchables who are deemed the lowest of the low in Indian society).”

“I want to teach you tonight that you have the ability and authority to speak directly to God as a child would to their parents. He will listen to you and respond. You don’t have to go on pilgrimages, grovel on the ground or beat yourself. All you have to do is to ask Him. He may not always say yes, just as a good parent doesn’t always say yes to all the requests from their children. If your child asks you to give them a sharp knife to play with, most parents will say no because the parent knows that the knife will hurt the child. We don’t say no because we want to punish our children, we say no to protect them. God is no different with His earthly children.”

“Tonight I want to teach you the prayer that Jesus taught His followers to pray as a model.” (I then went through the Lord’s Prayer and explained it). “There is one prayer that God wants all people to pray and He will never say no to, that prayer is to ask Jesus to come into your lives and live in your heart. Will you pray that prayer with me tonight?”

How about you, readers of this blog? Are you praying for Jesus to come into your life today? If not, what is stopping you? There is nothing on this earth worth the cost of eternity. My evangelistic heart is burning for the harvest. We are going to see a harvest here because the Creator God of the Universe is doing everything within the legal boundaries of rightness to save His children. They only thing left is for us to accept such a great gift!

Pray for us and our protection here, pray for the family and village of the girl who died of the snake bite, pray that God will be glorified through the mighty work He is doing in India and around the world, pray for workers for the harvest is ripe. Pray that His kingdom will come.

Pastor Kevin

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I must tell you about my abduction. No it wasn’t an alien from space; it was a local Indian kidnapping me, the alien, and taking me on an adventure. As Bilbo Baggins once said (paraphrase) a good adventure is something we all must have once in a while.

Near our hotel, which is classified as a three star hotel, there are a couple of kinds of people constantly roaming. They know that wealthy foreigners stay at these hotels and we become their prey. Two of those types are the beggars and the marketers. I now have experienced both.

The beggars are easy to detect. The rub their stomachs, show you their small child or show you a damaged body part and hold out their hand and wail. It is heart wrenching and tough to say no. But if you were to give at least a rupee to each beggar you saw each day, you could easily drop $100 USD.

The second group isn’t so easy to detect. The Indian people are extremely friendly and helpful. If they see a wandering foreigner roaming the streets looking lost (which I must seem to look like a lot!) they ask if they can help you. I happened to be looking for an extension cord so I could use my equipment at the site.

A very helpful Indian took me from shop to shop and translated for me to help me get what I wanted. He was really helpful. That should have been a clue, but I’m a little slow. He then used guilt, seems to work well on me, to get me to go for a ride with him and his driver in their scooter to what he called was “his shop”.

I had to be at a meeting for our group in 20 minutes and I told him so but he assured me it was close and it would only take a minute. I told him I would go but I couldn’t stay. If he showed me were it was I would come back at a more convenient time. He agreed, but what I soon found out was that he agreed to everything but understood very little.

When we got to the store I was impressed and amazed that he would own it. It was a high class Oriental rug store. He urged me to go inside but I protested that I must get back for my meeting. “Yes, yes” he said, go inside and look.” I went inside and explained to one of the salespeople that I needed a card and would come back when I had more time. I stepped outside and my “host” was very disappointed.

I tried to explain again that I needed to get back for a meeting. He pressed me for when I would come back to shop. I told him in within two days but that wasn’t good enough, he wanted a day and a time. I tried to give a vague time estimate and he continued to press me, he said he would look for me to take me back. He paid the scooter fare and I hurried back to the motel, with him following me.

I sort of forgot that episode until yesterday when I was walking back from the temple. He saw me and ran up to greet me. “Are you ready to go to my shop?” he asked. No I really wasn’t and I tried to make up an excuse. He once again pressed me as to the time and place we could meet. I said tomorrow and he asked what time. I said 1:00 p.m.

I went into my hotel and sort of joked to myself that I probably wouldn’t see him again. Well tomorrow came today and I went out to look for a bank so I could use the ATM. On my way back to the hotel he found me (I was an hour earlier than I told him).

I had time so I agreed to go, hoping that he would be appeased. I found out that he didn’t own the other store, because he took me to his “new” store, another carpet place but in the opposite direction. I went in and started looking around while he and the driver sat and waited.

The experience in the store was part of the adventure. It was a high class place. I was the first customer of the day and they treated me like royalty. I had no real burden to purchase a rug, but I thought I would at least look. Maybe I could get a good deal or something and use it as a wall hanging. I have no place in my house where I could trust to put an expensive carpet with two golden retrievers.

The sales pitch was fantastic. They sat me down and paraded rug after rug out and displayed them on the floor. The showed me how they were made and explained the difference between silk and cotton. I was shown the durability and utility of the carpets. It was amazing. I happened to glance at a price tag on the back of one of the silk carpets and it said 4,000. Now 4,000 rupees is less than $100.00 USD and even though I know little about oriental rugs, I figured that wasn’t too bad of a price. This particular carpet was 4’ x 6’.

I looked at a few more carpets and checked out their prices only to notice the USD after the price. I asked the salesman about it and he confirmed my fear, it was in U.S. dollars. My enthusiasm for purchasing a silk oriental rug diminished rapidly. Now with 16 carpets on the floor and an hour of demonstration, I had to figure out how to get out of there with my pocketbook and honor intact.

As he pressed me to choose, I tasked if I could take some pictures of my favorites and email them to my wife for her input. He said I could take pictures but he stilled tried to get me to make a choice. Finally after another 15 min. he relented and gave me a card and told me that he was the most honest dealer in town and I could look elsewhere but I would be back. Not likely. Even if he came down significantly, I have a hard time spending even half of the list price on a carpet.

When I emerged from my ordeal, my “kidnapper” was waiting. Excitedly he wanted to know if I bought anything. No I didn’t and his whole demeanor fell. It was evident to me that he was a freelance street sales rep who got a commission for every sale he brought into the store. All the way back to the hotel, he promised me he would work out a good price for me. Once again he pressed me as to when he should come back to get me and take me to the store again.

I don’t think guilt will get me back there. The cost is too high. The picture above is my kidnapper and his driver with their scooter. Everyone is very excited to get their picture taken. Even if it will be posted on a webblog with a warning!

Trish when you read this, I can email you pictures of the carpets but that’s as close to the real thing as you will get. J

Pastor Kevin

Hindu Temple

The Hindu temple in Madurai is the largest in India; it is called “Meenakshi”. It covers about 4 square U.S. blocks. It is enormous. The handwork of the craftsmanship is exquisite and detailed. The towers are filled with ornate hand carvings from stone of the many deities being worshipped in all their forms. One can’t but be amazed at the grandeur of it all.

As we came to the entrance, we saw a small building adjacent to the entryway where there was a primitive shoe check. No shoes allowed inside the temple at all, not even in backpacks. It cost 6 rupees to check three pair of shoes. He gave us a hand written claim check and stuffed the shoes into a little cubbyhole.

Next, as we entered we noticed the gift shops along the entry way selling everything you could imagine dealing with the worship of the Hindu gods; from icons to statues to post cards and imitation plastic flower wreaths. Flower wreaths are very important in worship and are made daily in the marketplace. They are significant in the worship and adornment of the deities in the puja ceremony which is performed daily. I will speak more on this later. They are beautiful and smell wonderful. I wish I could bring one home but within a day or two they are basically toast. Worshippers will occasionally wear one for special occasions.

Next we had to enter into a security metal detector and have our bags checked. The officer seemed more interested in whether or not we had our shoes in our packs than weapons. It would be a major offense to wear them in the temple (socks are ok but you might as well throw them away when you’re done they’re filthy).

Everywhere in the outer court were various people groups either sightseeing, worshipping, picnicking or begging. These people could be Hindus or foreign tourists. A non-Indian could be expected to get the brunt of the beggars to follow them. There were venders selling fruit (for offerings) or jewelry. The jewelry was beautiful and the women traveling salespeople were quite aggressive. They figured if they could get it on you, you’d have to buy. Both the jewelry venders and beggars would follow you for a block or more, but they were only found in the outer court.

Once inside it was dark and filled with the smells of incense. Room after room was filled with idols and various representations of the gods on the walls or paintings on the ceilings. Oils for burning and incense were sold all around. At some worship locations there might be a temple priest to put some stuff on you for worship purposes. Couldn’t always tell exactly what they were doing.

One site we saw a priest dressing the statues representing the heavenly bodies. This is called puja and is a ritual performed three times a day; in the morning to wake the deity, in the afternoon upon completion of the midday rest and putting them to bed at night. Not only was he dressing them, he washed them, put on flower garlands and incense as he chanted his mantras. People would stop at the various stations and do different sorts of obeisance such as bowing, kneeling, laying prostrate on the floor, various hand motions around their bodies, etc.

As we went further into the inner chambers we saw several signs that told of a camera fee; fifty rupees for still camera and 200 for video cameras. This is common practice here in that they may charge you an entrance fee per person but also charge a per camera fee. At the temple there is no entrance fee, hence worshippers don’t pay, but the camera fee gets the tourists.

We found a section inside the deepest part of the temple that had a large sign saying: no cameras, only Hindu’s, and one other restriction I can’t remember. A couple guys wanted to go in but someone stopped them at the gate. That didn’t deter their resourcefulness; as we walked around they found the exit and went in there. No one immediately stopped them, but soon one was caught and escorted out. The other one, Steve, got all the way into the inner part where he stood in line with other devotees before three security guards unceremoniously escorted him out. I have no idea how they figured out he wasn’t a Hindu? J

We continued on our journey and saw a holy man. He was very old (in India, old starts at about 50 due to the rough life these people have) and he had an entourage with him of healthy strong young men, all dressed similarly; basically a towel wrapped around their waists. People would stop him and seek a blessing from him which he did by touching them. They literally would fall at his feet; this makes walking too fast or too far difficult. I couldn’t get a picture because too many people were around him.

I had heard a rumor there was an elephant somewhere in the place where you could be blessed by the elephant if you gave him a coin or some fruit. The blessing consisted of a bonk on the head by his trunk. I felt we could not leave the temple till I got blessed by the elephant.

After an hour of searching we found him. Offering the elephant a coin would cause him to sniff it up his trunk (in which case you got elephant snot on your hands), then he would drop the coin to his handler and bonk you on the head. If you gave him fruit, he immediately dropped that into his mouth but you still got bonked. For 10 rupees you could get a posed photo with his trunk draped over your head; hence the attached photo. I did both by the way and have a video of me walking up to the elephant, giving him a coin and getting bonked. I can truly say, this was an experience of a lifetime.

In retrospect, I wonder if the elephant blessing was somehow responsible for the karma (karma is the Hindu concept of good or bad luck dependent upon how good or bad you are) I experienced that evening at my meetings J (just a joke folks!)
Oh, by the way, there was a crucial detail I left out of my previous blog. During our meeting Monday night at the backyard gravel pit, I neglected to mention a cow stumbled upon our meeting and became quite upset at the number of people in her way. She began to shuck and duck like a running back trying to avoid tacklers as she ran through the crowd. Of course the crowd began running too! It was almost like the running of the bulls but not quite.

I never expected writing a blog would be this much fun. It forces me to remember details of experiences each day. I don’t have to dig to deep or embellish at all; real life is much more exciting and challenging than making this stuff up.

Keep us in your prayers, my illness hasn’t progressed and is holding. I believe in the power of prayer and I believe your prayers are making a difference here.

God bless, Pastor Kevin

Monday, January 22, 2007

Sorry about the double post yesterday, I hit the button twice by accident and couldn’t figure out how to delete one of the posts. I have so much to tell today and I won’t be able to do it in one blog. Yesterday was an eventful day; both good and bad. I wanted to write about my visit to the temple. That’s what I planned to write about before I went to my village last night. But I first must tell you what happened there and I’ll save the tourist stuff for later.

After returning to my room from the temple visit I went to lay down and rest before the evening. I was feeling warm and somewhat achy. I hope I’m not coming down with something but several of our group has gotten sick. I woke late and wanted to take a shower before I left and hadn’t eaten since breakfast. The water is only warm in the morning from 7:00 a.m. till 10:00 a.m. so I had to take a cold shower.

I went down to the restaurant to get something to eat and it was 15 min. before my driver was supposed to show up. I hurriedly ate vegetable fried rice and local bread and made it to the lobby just a few minutes late. I was till feeling slightly under the weather. My interpreter and driver showed up and we left.

The permit for our usage of the school site was to be presented to the authorities on Monday to allow us to continue the meetings. I was anxious to find out how it went. When I asked my interpreter about the permit he said it was turned down but I shouldn’t worry. They had located a different site in the village and were preparing it while we were on our way.

I would normally panic but I have learned that God knows about these things and has contingency plans before we are even aware of it, so I just tried to sit back and relax the best I could for the trip.

The problem with relaxing in an Indian cab is the traffic. A normal ride is like a roller coaster experience but today, something got into our driver. He ran a red light and had the traffic cop yelling at him; he almost killed a couple on a two wheeler (motorcycle), and his driving overall for the whole journey was far more aggressive and dangerous than any of the previous days! I literally was praying and holding on for the entire trip. I couldn’t relax.

When we got to the village, once again my interpreter wanted to protect me from seeing the site too early so he took me on a little site seeing jaunt through the village. We stopped into a couple of homes where I had to remove my shoes and sit and talk with the families. Now many people in the cities of India can get by with some English, not so in the villages. The young children are learning English in school and can speak some phrases, but except for the village chief, no one understands spoken English; even though they might be able to read it.

When we visited these homes, I just sat there and smiled while they checked out the white man from America. As a side note, my visits to their homes are extremely significant. They have a hard time understanding why a wealthy white man from America would come to their poor village and to spend time with them. These people are untouchables in their society and this goes against their whole world view.

I met more adults and took lots of pictures which always brought a smile to their faces when I showed them their picture on my digital camera. I told them (through the interpreter) that I would display their pictures on the screen the next night if they would like to come and see them. This was a little marketing ploy to get more people to my meetings.

At about 6:45 local time, we went to the site. To say I was disappointed might be an understatement. Looking at our new site made me feel that the previous one was a 4 star hotel! We were now in someone’s back yard with piles of dirt and rocks; with cows, goats and chickens and no level surface which to set up the equipment or for people to sit. (see picture).

All I could do was pray, Lord you knew this and you are now responsible for the outcome. I’ll be faithful and do what you sent me here to do, but this is more than I can take tonight with the way I feel.

We were supposed to start and 7:00 p.m. but the electricians (I use that term lightly with tongue in cheek) weren’t finished, the chairs weren’t there yet and we didn’t have any place to put up a screen.

We figured out that the back wall of the house would have to work for the screen but then all the sound stuff and power wiring had to be moved to accommodate the new projector location. The chairs showed up and had to be carried from the front yard to the back. I started to go and help, but my interpreter things I’m a soft handed weak white man (J) and he wouldn’t let me. I suggested that we ask the kids to each carry one and he agreed to that.

This was the first time since we began that I actually saw my interpreter get nervous. When we finally got the power up, I started up the projector and computer and he told me we would skip the song service and I should show the daily segment of the Jesus video and we should start the preaching after that. Good enough for me!

We finally got started 20 minutes late but the good news is, we had more people there than we had any of the previous nights! My visitation through the village drew people that hadn’t come before and now we preached the sermon which is one of my favorites. We preached Jesus and Him crucified! We made a Gospel presentation and called people to a decision to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savour. It was great. We had 20 or more hands of Hindus who wanted to accept Jesus as their Lord.

For all the trials and difficulties, for my physical discomfort and emotional stress, God came through in an amazing way. Man could not have pulled off what occurred last night. It was all God. He’s amazing!

I have been told that my village is one of the most difficult areas of evangelism in the area. The local church has been trying to get established in this village for over two years with no results. I don’t know why God keeps giving me the tough assignments, maybe it’s because I was so tough to convert. But my faith is strong and this experience has invigorated me. I still feel on the verge of some illness but regardless of how I feel, God is doing a great work here.

Pastor Kevin

My routine is rather drab and I want to share with you a regular day’s schedule. I wake up at 6:30 a.m. local time (we are 10.5 hrs ahead of EST) without an electric alarm. The music and call to prayer by the various temples is heard loudly throughout the city.

Normally I do my personal devotion and then start m computer. I write my blog and download pictures from my camera. Then I edit the pictures putting them into files and deleting the bad ones and looking for a picture that will be representative of what I’m trying to convey in the blog. There are so many pictures it is hard to pick just one!

Breakfast is served from 7:30 till 10:00 a.m. but we have a morning meeting to get to at 9:00 so I shower and get to breakfast by no later than 8:00 a.m. At this hotel we can have either Indian buffet or continental (American style eggs and toast which the locals call bread-toast). I have been alternating each day as to which style I eat. There is a local paper in our door each morning with a ticket for breakfast which is included in our room charge. If I get done in time I try to call home, it would be about 10-11 p.m. there.

Morning group meeting is at 9:00 where we have group devotional and debrief what is happening. We talk about problems or announcements regarding the local sites and meetings. There are testimonials about what God is doing and there are requests for special prayers when people are not doing well (sick, difficulties with equipment, etc). Almost every day I’m having issues with equipment regarding program problems or issues with DVD’s they want us to play. This meeting lasts about an hour.

After that meeting we have a breakout session with our individual teams. This is the group I came with from the Columbia Union. We go around the circle and talk about our highs and lows, praises and concerns for our villages. When we’re done, we break into groups of two and pray for all the issues that are being discussed.

When meetings are done, we are free to do whatever we need to until our cab arrives in the afternoon to take us to our site. My cab comes at 5:00 p.m. Lunch and supper are on our own and many times I only eat one meal later in the afternoon at the restaurant in the hotel, it’s the safest place to eat. The food sold in the street is always cooked with contaminated water and will give us severe stomach problems. During this free time we can shop, site see or in many cases for me, I go over my presentation for the evening so I’m ready to give the sermon.

It is during this free time that I try to get on the internet and download my email and upload the blog. There is only one computer available in the lobby and sometimes it is difficult to find it open. There are internet cafes around the neighborhood but they don’t always have very high speed connections. The Hotel is pretty fast. There is no wireless for me to connect with my own laptop so I take my files in my memory stick and just plug them into their computer.

The translator and the cab arrive near 5:00 p.m. and we head out through the city through some of the most difficult traffic I have ever seen. It can’t be described; you must see it to believe it. No seat belts and every step you’re wishing you had one. I took my video camera and filmed part of the trip to show my wife that I’m not such a bad driver. The trip takes almost an hour to go 17 km or about 7 miles. Once we get out of the city we see some pretty country side but the roads and narrow and there is still congestion on the road.

Once there we stay till about 9:00 p.m. and then start the long journey back getting to the motel around 10:00. I might walk around town or go to my room where I read until I can’t see anymore and then fall asleep.

I haven’t watched TV since I’ve been here and that’s not because there isn’t some American channels. Its because I’m so focused and busy on task that TV isn’t needed or important. I’m hoping and expecting that this trip will change me, it already has. I just hope I can keep up the positive changes when I get home.

My eating habits have changed for the better; I haven’t eaten meat since I got here. I drink 2 liters of water plus each day and don’t drink sodas or coffee. My devotional and prayer habits have improved and my focus on my work is clear and fulfilling. I want my new found habits to continue, I am tired but very at peace. I wish all of you could experience this as I am.

Tomorrow I will try to explain the meetings and what happens there. Or I might talk about the market place as that is where I’m going today to do some shopping. Or I might talk about the temples here in Maduria (the name means temple city) which has the largest Hindu temple in India. I guess we’ll just have to see where the Spirit leads.

God bless and keep us all in your prayers. Our meetings start at 7:00 p.m. local time which is 8:30 a.m. EST; if you remember, pray at that time for the 65 missionaries and the 45 villages where we are spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ!


Saturday, January 20, 2007

The meetings have begun!

It’s Sunday Morning as I’m writing this. I now have two nights meetings under my belt. I’m feeling better now, less stressed over the unknown. I had never worked with a translator before and I didn’t know what the venue looked like, I didn’t know what the electrical and sound systems looked like either. It’s not that bad.

We are meeting in the local village school yard. It is enclosed by a concrete fence about 7’ high. The ground is basically dirt and they set up plastic yard chairs for the adults. The kids sit on the ground. If there aren’t enough chairs, the men get first chance and the women sit on the ground with the kids.

They put up temporary lighting in the trees and wires are hanging everywhere. Electrical tape is used like we use duct tape. Some are calling the electrical tape “Indian wire nuts”. The sound system uses huge speakers and they keep the volume “LOUD”. Even if the villagers don’t come into the compound, they can hear what we are doing for miles.

The people are extremely friendly and very curious about us light skinned Americans. They stare at us constantly and the kids follow me like the pied piper. Most of the folk in the villages have never left their village since birth and they are too poor to have a TV. They don’t know much about the world out there as they are very poorly educated.

I almost created a riot last night when I brought out my digital still camera to take some pictures. The kids were pushing and shoving and grabbing to be the one in the picture. After several minutes of chaos, we explained that I would take all their pictures and put them on the screen with my computer. They somewhat settled down and waited their turn but they still tried to creep in the shot. Some stood behind me and watched the viewfinder to see what the camera was doing. Most of them had never seen themselves on a picture before. I took over sixty pictures of the kids. I wish I could post all of them, they will break your heart.

The meetings last about 2 hours which comprises of singing in the local Tamil language, a children’s story which I tell to the kids and it is translated. Always a Bible story, there is nothing in my world that would make sense to them. The local pastor/translator then does a short health talk and I begin to preach with PowerPoint. The visuals on the screen (which is a sheet hung on the wall behind me) keep the audience’s rapt attention. Even the kids sit and listen with mouths open as the stare at the graphic, videos and picture of the world. Last night we had a 20 second video clip of pictures of the stars taken by the Hubble space telescope. It was like Ohs and Ahs at a fireworks show.

At the end of the meeting, they begin to line up. The locals see me as a holy man and they want prayer. One by one the come to the translator and tell their condition or problem and ask me to lay hands on them and pray for healing, finances, broken families, blessed marriages, or barren women. I am humbled and almost in tears as I plead for them and know that I have no ability to help them, but offer them to my God who is ever faithful.

When I post, I can only put one picture up from a hundred that I take each day. I wish you could experience for yourselves what I am seeing and feeling through this work for the Lord. There are 45 villages in which we are doing this work simultaneously on this trip. We have most of the hotel booked with Americans, Australians, and other Indians working on the major project. Most of the villages are similar to mine and the circumstances vary a little but the pre-meeting estimates are looking at 5000 people to be baptized when we are done. Can you say God is awesome?!?!

This doesn’t mean there isn’t opposition. Some of the villages have closed down the meetings and the group had to go elsewhere. Other villages are operating under close scrutiny and opposition by small but vocal radical Hindus who are angered by what is happening. The battle is raging and people are still coming. One woman in my village asked for prayer because she wants to come and learn and be baptized but her husband is a staunch Hindu and he will beat her, or worse, divorce her if she won’t stop coming. We don’t see much faith like this in America. Maybe we have it too good to realize our need for the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Pastor Kevin

Friday, January 19, 2007

It’s Friday morning and the excitement and anxiety grows. We had our first orientation meeting this morning and I’m finding out more things that I didn’t know I had to do. I found out this morning I will be responsible for health talks along with children’s stories. They also handed out a packet of children’s coloring pages that I’m supposed to make copies of and hand out. I feel very overwhelmed and under prepared for what they are expecting of me. I also found out that I’m expected to preach a morning service on Sabbath as well as the evening one.

The good thing I found out was the assignment. The village I will be working at is called Varichiyoor and is located 17 Kilometers from Madurai. The Indian pastor who will be working with me is Prince (Raj in Tamil) and the lay Bible worker is Ammani. The village has 400 homes and about 2000 in population.

This afternoon I will meet the team and my taxi driver that will be taking us to and from the village every day. I have a full day today with orientation at 1:00 p.m., meet taxi driver at 3:00 p.m. and leave for the village at 5:00 p.m. We are 10 ½ hours ahead of EST time back home if that helps you with your orientation. I’ll be working while most of you are sleeping.

There is more information that I want to share. Indian Bibles in the Tamil language cost 100 Rupees each; that’s about $2.50 in USD. Also we are being asked if we can find sponsors for two kids from the village to be sent to the local Adventist school at a cost of $300.00 USD per year, per student. I was wondering if an announcement could be made to find out if anyone is interested in helping in this area. You can email me or respond to the blog so I can make the necessary arraignments while I’m here.

God bless and have a great Sabbath.

Pastor Kevin

Thursday, January 18, 2007

We've arrived

It’s been two days since we landed in Chennia, India and I’m just starting to get over the jet lag. We are flying out tonight, Thursday, January 18, 2007 to our final destination of Madurai. It’s about a 1 ½ hour flight. We begin our work tomorrow night (Friday). We still don’t know our village or who will be working with each pastor.
India is a cultural experience that will be hard to share with just a blog. The sights, sounds, smells and tastes attack the senses. The clothes that the women wear are very colorful, the billboard signs are everywhere and the number of people is beyond comprehension. India has three times the population of the U.S. with less than half the land area. This makes for little space where there isn’t a person.
It is hard to spend time with these people and not feel a great compassion for their plight. The majority of them are poor. We don’t have a definition of poor in the U. S. that can begin to describe the conditions here. Some in the city speak English as a second language, but even they are difficult to understand due to the heavy accent. It makes communication hard. The exchange rate for the Rupee is 43 Rupees to the dollar. This means carrying lots of money in your pocket when you change $100.00 USD (4,300 rupees). Goods are less expensive here than what we pay back home. A half liter of soda costs less than 20 rupees. International phone calls are less too. They have these little stations called STD’s which are little phone booths, without the booth. Everyone stops and stares and listens to your conversation. There is really no privacy anytime you leave your motel room.
The food is tolerable but seems like the same thing for every meal. Its already getting tedious and its only been three days. Much of the food sold at the road side stands is inedible to us due to the contaminated water they use to cook and rinse things off with. I would love some of the fruit but if you don’t peel it, we can’t eat it. The other day we walked by a stand that was selling fresh pineapple that smelled delicious. Unfortunately, they were cutting it up and washing it in a basin of water at the stand. I’m going to have to buy a knife to and get these things whole so I can pare them myself.
I hope I get this up on Friday before the meetings start, remember us in your prayers, I believe this will be a spiritual battle on the front lines of Satan’s strong hold. He won’t give up easily. I will post as much and as soon as I can.

Pastor Kevin

Monday, January 8, 2007

About This blog

Kevin Kuehmichel
Ohio, USA
I was born in Northern Wisconsin and lived there for more than half of my life. I was transplanted into a large city where I now pastor an inner city church that I planted.
I love hockey and have made it somewhat of a ministry along with exercise to keep my old body in shape. Besides this I love to teach kids.
I have a beautiful wife and two fantastic kids who are now all grown up and in college. They help keep me young. This blog isn't about me, but about the ministry we are doing for the kingdom. Your welcome to visit and enjoy the journey with us.
May God bless as He leads us forward.